ip address

The IP address is that word which is come in front of us daily right? but many people still do not know the real meaning of IP address or definition of IP address. so we are going to discuss about IP address and its types and versions of IP address and how to find your personal IP etc.

What is IP address? 

The IP address ( Internet protocol address) is the address of any device such as a computer, mobile, server, etc. The Internet protocol address is used for communication among all online devices. It is also known as IP number and internet address.

An Ip address is working as a postal address, in an internet world,  an individual address of online devices to identify them is called IP address.

For example, If You want to email someone then remote computer needs to IP address to find the person whom you want to send the email.

IP versions

An IP address is divided into 4 parts where each part is separated from dot '.'

A normal IP v4 address looks something like this. An IPv4 or IP version 4 address is 32 bit, which can not be used more now because it is only 32 bit and only 400 million IP addresses can be made, which is almost complete.

Not only computers or mobile phones but also every device connected to the Internet such as Google Home (Google's speaker) also has an IP address, but there is nothing to worry about.

The solution has also been found which we call IPv6, it is a 128bit IP address that will eliminate this problem. An identifier IPv6 address looks something like this -

                                               "fe80 :: 8187: af64: 2e37: 2543% 16c"

Types of IP address

Local or private IP address

When more than two devices connect to each other through a wired or wireless network, then each device gets its own unique IP address, which is called a private IP address.

public IP address

A public IP address is given by the internet service provider (ISP), which worldwide connects to you. A public IP address is of two types, one is the dynamic which varies and static that does not change.

How To Check Your IP

Just go to google and type "What is my IP?" it will show your IP address.

Lats words,

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Thank you.

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