Nowadays many people are confused between blog and website, right? you know obviously that both are related to web and you can open them in the browser. And both look like same then what is the difference between them.
I am going to explain to you in an easy way so then you can better understand. First of all, we will talk about the blog.
What is a blog?
The blog is like an online leaflet, where people can write their thoughts, information, experience on the internet. To make it, programming knowledge is not needed. But some basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and Javascript could help you to customize your blog, but not so much necessary of that.
There are many platforms available on the internet such as Blogger, Wordpress, Tumblr, Zumla etc. where you can easily create a blog.
These all platforms are good but nowadays Blogger and Wordpress ane famous. Something around 70 % of bloggers is using Wordpress.
Blogger is also famous and owned by Google. But due to some disadvantage such as there are no plugins for blogger, because of this, bloggers prefer it less.
When in the WordPress, lot's of plugins are available that makes some advantage. That is why bloggers prefer WordPress first.
I think this is a little bit over, So let's define some words related to the blog.
- Blogging - Working on any blog or blogs like posting, searching, SEO is called blogging.
- Blogger - A person who posted on the blog is known as a blogger.
There are some things to identify a blog such as
- Posts might be on the list on the homepage.
- Posts divided into categories, subcategories, and tags.
- There might be an option to comment in every post.
I hope you understand what is a blog, blogger, and blogging. In fact here you are reading a normal blog. There are some famous blogs on the internet such as
Shoutmeloud, NeilPatel, etc
What is Website?
The website is made for some specific purpose. The website can be made by programming or coding such as HTML, CSS, Javascript, Php, Python etc. Because of codding, there is no limit in design. You can design it whatever you want.
To make the website, it needs a domain name and hosting server. You can make web pages and upload into your server and make a dynamic website.
There are many famous websites are available on the internet today such as
Google, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter etc
Last Words,
The blog is a limited thing, it has some boundaries you can't do anything with the blog, where with the website you can do anything, it has no limit. It is simple than a website.
Creating a blog is easy, no requirement of programming knowledge. When creating a website you will need complete programming knowledge.
I hope it's clear the difference between blog and web
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